28. November 2016

Freemasonry in the present day

UFML, May 1982
A complete and definitive definition of Masonry is impossible to attain. It differs both through time and the societal surroundings. A basic consensus exists in that it attempts the emancipation of humanity and to further tolerance.

Masonry cannot be practised in an ivory tower, nor by looking to the past, it is not constrained by rituals; it requires a permanent search for truths and answers. Without this movement, it would die; only theough action can it live.

The spectrum of interpretation of the basics is within the masonic chain. Masonic work is performed in the lodges, which, in the form of small discussion groups, address the problem of the current times. Lodges function as a sanctuary for emotional honesty and tolerance.

Self-criticism and the acceptance of constructive criticism from others are the foundations of masonic work, encompassing both the inner- as the outer-world. Loges should only accept people who are both able and willing to question their own words and deeds, and are capable of recognising prejudgements and overcoming them.

Life in the lodges is defined by the members. Authority is delegated from bottom to top, accordingly there is responsibility from top to bottom. Responsibility is only due to people, not offices. The masonic tenets should be understood as a framework, not a corset.

Know yourself! Control yourself! Purify yourself!
Masonry should primarily be aimed at self-improvement, to discover „what must one be, to be human being!“